Recent publications

Jalal, B. & Ramachandran, V. S. (2017). Sleep paralysis, “the ghostly bedroom intruder” and out-of-body experiences: the role of mirror neurons. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11:92. Details.

Jalal, B. & Ramachandran, V. S. (2017). “I feel your disgust and relief”: can the action understanding system (mirror neuron system) be recruited to induce disgust and relief from contamination vicariously, in individuals with obsessive–compulsive disorder symptoms? Neurocase. Details.

Jalal, B. (2016). How to make the ghosts in my bedroom disappear? Focused-attention meditation combined with muscle relaxation (MR therapy)—a direct treatment intervention for sleep paralysis. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:28. Details

Jalal, B. & Hinton D. E. (2016) Lifetime presence and rates of sleep paralysis in Denmark of ethnic Danes and non-ethnic Danes. Psychiatry and Clinical NeurosciencesDetails

Jalal, B., Krishnakumar, D., & Ramachandran, V. S. (2015). “I feel contaminated in my fake hand”: Obsessive-compulsive-like disgust sensations arise from dummy during rubber hand illusion. PLoS one, 10(12), e0139159. Details

Jalal, B. & Ramachandran, V. S. (2014). Sleep paralysis and the shadowy bedroom intruder: The role of the right superior parietal, phantom pain and projection of body image. Medical Hypotheses, 83(6), 755-757. Details

Jalal, B. & Ramachandran, V. S. (2014). A pilot investigation of “metaphor blindness” in a college student population. Medical hypotheses82(6), 648-651. Details

Jalal, B., Settlage, B. L., & Ramachandran, V. S. (2014). Science, epistemology, and future prospects for psychoanalysis. Neuropsychoanalysis16(2), 115-127. Details

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